Sally Bogle
Sally's had a mindfulness practice since 2009 and appreciates the sense of calm it's brought into her life.
She's a Trustee of the charity and has been involved with The Mindful Life from the beginning.
She's also a coach and facilitator, wife, mum, and (another) devoted dog lover.

Nick Mabey
Nick got introduced to mindfulness meditation in 2009, and realised it worked when he started to sleep better.
He's been involved in The Mindful Life since the start and is a Trustee of the charity. Elsewhere, he works in business as a coach and facilitator.

Francine Russell
Francine has had a mindfulness practice since 2012 and is a Trustee of the charity.
Francine has run a health and wellbeing consultancy which focused on delivering training in health and wellbeing area and now works for the NHS.
She has a passion for sourdough baking, loves music, particularly funk and soul, and sometimes DJs and is a qualified coach.

Penny Cooke
Penny has been practising mindfulness since 2010. She is a coach and facilitator and now works as a volunteer.
Penny very much likes to walk in the countryside, practice Yoga and Pilates and work on her allotment. She loves to spend time with her grandchildren.

Rev. Clare Southall
Clare is an ordained Interfaith Minister offering pastoral support in the workplace, as well as being a coach and facilitator. She practices mindfulness as part of her regular spiritual practice and is always looking for new and creative ways to be mindful. She has a daughter who is autistic, with a range of special needs.
Clare enjoys baking and is guardian to three donkeys, a species well known for their approachability and gentle support for people.

Aileen Fraser
Aileen has been practising mindfulness since 2015. She is a recently retired nurse who has worked with many carers through her role in the NHS. She feels that offering mindfulness to this group is an invaluable tool. Aileen is a keen golfer, loves yoga and drawing.